From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: I used to sell my special yellow gatorade brand to people who drink it usually. They never noticed it was my piss.
Rating: n/a
From: Paul (more)
Comments: Speaking of that, remember when Wheel of Fortune would allow people to take their winning and buy crap they wanted out of an on-studio showcase? People joke about it now, but I kind of liked the idea. Won five grand? Need a new TV? Buy one now, save yourself some time. Plus you don't get stuck with shitty prizes like a trip to Hilton Head, South Carolina. I know it's supposed to be nice there, but it's in fucking South Carolina, how nice could it really be?
Rating: n/a
From: Rain (more)
Comments: Alright game but really at the end of the day the goal is to win pretend money and thats it. couldve added some feature where you can buy loads of things with the money in the game or something, but i guess the 80's were simpler times in the video game world
From: Peter (more)
Comments: I love people who impersonate me while on their lunch break at work drinking blue powerade. Those naughty British types!
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Fucking piece of shit game, even that bitch is not masturbation material. Wi WI Jumbo you are right but most ladies that play video game are ugly so they would not make good prostitute. Matthew you are super right. Fucking kids should just be pawn of the casinos, who cares about kids anyways ? and casino sucks.
From: Paul (more)
Comments: The blackjack was okay, but this just couldn't capture the excitement of Las Vegas. Shit, this couldn't even capture the excitement of Reno. Fucking hell, this game couldn't even capture the excitement of an Indian casino. You get the picture.
From: Krzysztof Gucz (more)
Comments: spoko
From: farkas.b (more)
Rating: n/a
From: segageek (more)
Comments: well not match to say about this one exept i have played better games on the master system.
From: SOYBOMB (more)
Comments: Casino Games? "family", .......unbelievable
From: Peter (more)
Comments: You're right. My apologies on being so harsh. The spam was ruining this site and you did what you had to do.
Rating: n/a
From: falz (more)
Comments: Wow, a spambot got through, I'm impressed, Mr. Roboto. (it's deleted now though). 1 out of 967 in the last month aint bad.
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: That must be one hell of a spam filter, Chris.
Rating: n/a
From: Classic Comment (more)
Comments: 2003-12-19 From: the voices!!!! (more) Comments: ah, the redwood. my stars, what a phallus!!
Rating: n/a
From: Classic Comment (more)
Comments: 2003-06-14 From: E (more) Comments: Bright light city gonna set my soul, gonna set my soul on fire. Got a whole lot of money that's ready to burn, so get those stakes up higher. There's a thousand pretty women waitin' out there, they're all livin' the devil may care. And I'm just a devil with love to spare, so viva Las Vegas! Viva Las Vegas! How I wish that there were more than the twenty-four hours in the day. Even if there were forty more, I wouldn't sleep a minute away. Oh, there's black jack and poker and the roulette wheel. A fortune won and lost on every deal. All you need's a strong heart and a nerve of steel. Viva Las Vegas! Viva Las Vegas! Viva Las Vegas, with your neon flashin' and your one-arm bandits crashin' all those hopes down the drain. Viva Las Vegas, turnin' day into nighttime, turnin' night into daytime. If you see it once you'll never be the same again. I'm gonna keep on the run. I'm gonna have me some fun if it costs me my very last dime. If I wind up broke, well I'll always remember that I had a swingin' time. I'm gonna give it everything I've got. Lady Luck please let the dice stay hot. Let me shoot a seven with every shot. Ah, Viva Las Vegas! Viva Las Vegas! Viva Las Vegas! Viva...Viva...Las Vegas!
Rating: n/a
From: craps rules (more)
Comments: I corner river tilt online craps rules.
From: play poker onli (more)
Comments: In blackjack chips paint surrender play poker online for money prize.
From: (more)
Comments: Yes.. I agree ..8
From: Kenny Rogers (more)
Comments: You got to know when to hold em.. know when to fold em... know when to walk away. You never count your money, while your sitting the table... I like to sniff the shit stains in women's panties.
From: John W. Booth (more)
Comments: Fuck Indian casinos!
From: tomada (more)
Comments: este tambe tem cara de ser simpatico.viva the cool spot life!
From: Phil (more)
Comments: Very dull selection of gambling games, with the slot machines easily being the best. The pinball game looks and plays awful. Far to simplistic in conclusion with not enough content.
From: Wi Wi Jumbo (more)
Comments: It's good to teach children to gamble. A nice feature would have been a pawn shop to hock your belongings (wedding bands,strollers, etc.) for more cash. Perhaps an option to prostitute yourself (for the ladies) or pimp your wife, girlfriend, or daughter would have been nice. How about a "Game Over" screen with you throwing a whiskey bottle at your wife as she leaves you? Gambling is great.
From: Instigator (more)
Comments: Lets see, Intellvision makes a casino came and thus Intellivsion is short lived. Atari... no Casino game and Atari is still in business today. Sega Master... wait... never mind.
From: Jeremy (more)
Comments: Wow, look at all the money you can't actually win. Yawn.
From: Mathew Moore (more)
Comments: This game is as addicting as gambling itself. A lot of fun even though I always lost all my cash. The guys broken and tormented face at the end was perfect. Start your kids gambling addiction early, buy them this game. What was with that horrible pin-ball game, though? I mean I played it for hours on end, but what was with that?
From: segacollection. (more)
Comments: The code for $900,000 was 9991839999 (Enter your name as Mr Sega) Quite a memory I got eh? LoL Segacollection.com
From: Rick Lappeman (more)
Comments: Well for its capability's you couldn't possibly ask for a better casino game on sega master system. Definately play this one even if its for old times sake. The computer intellegence may surprise you as this game has a well calculated difficuly all depending on which computer opponent you pick to play with.