8 reviews by falz..
Ys: The Vanished Omens

From: falz
Comments: sorry Peter, no more meta refreshes for you.


Captain Planet

From: falz
Comments: I also added the text next to explain the rating average, which I think makes sense. But yea, if you wanna lower an average, give it some 1's, not n/a's.

Rating: n/a

Captain Planet

From: falz
Comments: The other day I fixed the ratings and didn't make note of it. For the first few days they were in place, they were total # of ratings / rating, even if someone didn't put in a rating (n/a) as I've done with this comment.

However, now I am completely eliminating those from the equation- Peter is right.

I'm curious of your 6.66 -> 5 comment though. It must be for a different game, as Dr. Robotnik has a 10! Let me know what the game is, or some other example of messed-up-edness, and Ill fix it. However, I'm fairly sure it's working the way it should.

Rating: n/a

Casino Games

From: falz
Comments: Wow, a spambot got through, I'm impressed, Mr. Roboto. (it's deleted now though). 1 out of 967 in the last month aint bad.

Rating: n/a

Alex Kidd: the Lost Stars

From: falz
Comments: sweet, classic comments? archive.org?

Rating: n/a

Action Fighter

From: falz
Comments: Yea, sorry if I deleted old good posts. When going through them, to get rid of all of the viagra and link spam, I blanketly deleted stuff that had HTML and stuff in it. I hoped to keep deletion of any good stuff to a minimum. Wayback machine, eh? hmm, perhaps I will re-inject some stuff if they have it perma-cached!



From: falz
Comments: This game had me going for hours- The music was cool, and the gameplay was good. I recall it being quite difficult though. After a few levels, it just got too hard.


F-16 Fighting Falcon

From: falz
Comments: This game's pretty horrid. I can't bear it.
