From: Harley Jarvis (more)
Comments: I like a hairy pussy, honestly.
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: I see. Volleyball has nothing over mud wrestling anyway.
Rating: n/a
From: Brad (more)
Comments: Under most circumstances I would be all for a panties-only dress code for (hot) women; my comments were specifically concerned with the rigors (such as they are) of playing beach volleyball and that some sort of breast protection, however offensive to my own sensibilities covered boobs are, is necessary.
Rating: n/a
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Thanks Brad but can you explain me why does women wears clothing in society? I mean even with undies it would be enough to cover everything no? They should always be in undies only everywhere except if they are fat they should be worked to the bone in order for normal people to have a good stress free like and ugly girls should be slaves too.
Rating: n/a
From: Brad (more)
Comments: Hang on there, guys. I, too, would love to see naked women flouncing about after volleyballs, but those outfits of their have an actual, legitimate purpose beyond a modicum of modesty. The bikini bottom is explicitly designed to keep sand out of their virginies. You need not be a woman, I would hope, to understand how uncomfortable a sandy pussy would be. As for the tops they wear, the sand would also badly abrade their nips and areolae. So slow your perv rolls a bit and understand that things are often the way they are for a reason.
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: You have your moments, Paul. You really do.
Rating: n/a
From: Paul (more)
Comments: The only great volleyball would be beach volleyball if they dropped the tiny pretense of modesty and ditched the tiny bikinis. Let it all hang out, girls. Shit, most of them are titless, anyway, and if they don't want us to see their goodies let 'em grow hair down there.
Rating: n/a
From: Rain (more)
Comments: Initially this was quite fun to play, but it did get quite easy once you figured it out, meaning it ended up on the shelf gathering dust
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Damn yeah it is.
Rating: n/a
From: Scott (more)
Comments: Well, yeah, tits are okay, but the pussy is the whole fucking point, isn't it?
Rating: n/a
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Women beach volley is hot. Normal volley way less. Me too I never was a big fan of big titties. I'm a pussy destroyer.
Rating: n/a
From: Brad (more)
Comments: I've watched that shit from time to time myself. Kind of partial to one April Ross myself. Not sure why really. She's cute, that's for sure. Titless as all fuck, but cute. I'm all about the pussy anyway.
Rating: n/a
From: Scott (more)
Comments: Caught some women's beach volleyball on the tube the other day, FIVB tour to be precise. There's a young Brazilian lady on tour by the name of Larissa Franca that has, perhaps, one of the finest asses that the female species has to offer. It's simply breathtaking. Quite attractive otherwise, too.
Rating: n/a
From: Scott (more)
Comments: Not bad, a little difficult if you don't really give a shit about games anymore like I do, but would have been much better with two key changes: 1) make it beach volleyball and 2) make it women's beach volleyball. The limitations of 8-bit systems don't allow you to jerk off to the actual games, but they can help inspire your fantasies.
From: Classic Comment (more)
Comments: 2005-02-11 From: captain Murphy (more) Comments: I'm looking for panty shots, are there any in this game?
Rating: n/a
From: Classic Comment (more)
Comments: 2005-02-08 From: the voices!!!! (more) Comments: sodom wasn't destroyed by an angry God. indeed, i have found the very gates of the city, buried not by the desert sands, but by the thinest layer of soft cotton. remove your panties, dear. which path should i choose?? brown or pink???
Rating: n/a
From: Classic Comment (more)
Comments: 2004-10-15 From: the voices!!!! (more) Comments: they gave the appearance that they were lesbians. as it turns out, one is married, the other engaged. what a bitter pill to swallow. you've let us all down, girls!! your muse sappho weeps with grave disappointment. what man deserves you? what man deserves even the least of your sex??
Rating: n/a
From: Sam (more)
Comments: I'm also gay.
From: Sam (more)
Comments: i want this game, because of the picture on the front. cunt
From: JJ (more)
Comments: It isn't.
From: Ass Popper (more)
Comments: SNAKE CAKES........KICK ASS!!!!
From: M.K. (more)
Comments: hey GAQ it is the ONLY volleyball game on sms.....
From: segacollection. (more)
Comments: I bought this game when I just started collecting those SMS games. I love the retro look/music. Not the best playability, but overall OK. Segacollection.com
From: ti, (more)
From: GAQ (more)
Comments: The best volleyball game on sms! I think it's the only one. It's ok, for volleyball fans only (or people like me who wished they owned every sms game!)