From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Or shitty at worst.
From: Rain (more)
Comments: Another 'events' game. this one was a bit more weird than the others though by having quite obscure events, and not many of them. again these games are only worthwhile if you are playing multiplayer. otherwise this is a seemingly average at best game
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Spicy food is good. Junk food on the other end, especially Burger King makes my ass burn bad. I hope this bull riding game is not about bull riding.
Rating: n/a
From: Paul (more)
Comments: If what randar says is true, credit must be given for originality, but it sounds like the execution was still lacking. However, having never played it, I shall not give it a rating. Uh, I just had a more unpleasant bowel movement a few minutes ago. I managed to leave my computer and make it to the bathroom just in time, but I'm still feeling the effects of it. Need to cut back on the spicy foods. It burns.
Rating: n/a
From: That Girl (more)
Comments: No one of the best games i have to admit but still loved it haven't played it for years i miss it :(
From: randar (more)
Comments: I felt bad for not liking this game because I got it for my birthday. There were only four events (I could be wrong...it's been a long time since I've played it). Caber toss, barrel jumping, log rolling, and bull riding. There wasn't much to it. The bull riding was probably the most fun comparatively, but that's not saying much. Sorry Mum...