From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: You fucking bastard we thought you were cured of your homosexuality!!!!
Rating: n/a
From: Sam (more)
Comments: They say you are what you eat. And I a a sausage man!
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: It's good, check out Skeletoncrusader on youtube, this guy kicks ass.
From: Sam (more)
Comments: Again, I have got this but I have never played it. The movie sucks too. I hate pakis!
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Sorry I'll go with the abstinence part. I can't fucking talk with a real woman for more than 3 sentences. Where the fuck do they learn to say such stupid things? Facebook? Reality TV? This is fucking shit and I'll risk my dick getting destroyed later on on sexy sex bots!
Rating: n/a
From: Roy (more)
Comments: The only sure way is abstinence. Now, not total abstinence as in abstinence from all sex (that's just crazy), but abstinence from sex with robots. That's easy enough to do now, what with most robots assembling cars and vacuuming our floors, but in the future it will be much more difficult to distinguish real flesh-and-blood bitches and their robot counterparts. If, however, in the future you find the lure of robot sex to great to ignore, or you simply can't get an actual woman to submit to your sexual urges, you can deactivate the robots temporarily and fuck them in this quiescent state. All of the CIA constructed robots that I have seen (most of which I have had sex with either vaginally or anally) have what could be called an "off switch" in the middle of the small of their backs. They will then power down and you can go to town on them. Though the sex will not be as good, it will be a whole lot safer for your penis (and balls, for that matter). Remember, though, these are only the CIA-built examples that I have examined. I understand that MI6 in the UK also has some of similar design, but they are uglier. It bears pointing out that the Japanese, as one would expect, lead the world in this matter and their designs are largely unknown to me due to matters of expense and to the fact that my giant dick is too large for an Asian woman, be she robot or real. So again, be cautious above all and if nothing else, confine your fuckings to real women, soul-sucking though they may be.
Rating: n/a
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: You had me at the destroying penises part. So any tips on how to save our penises from evil females bots of the future? Help us Roy!
Rating: n/a
From: Roy (more)
Comments: Real women are more dangerous...now. But there will be a day when that will no longer be the case. The sex robots will come, and so to will the rise up and destroy us all, starting with our penises.
Rating: n/a
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Man sorry to tell you but real women are more dangerous then fucking robots. You can predict a robot will absolutely crush you but real women will instead cheat on you, steal you, divorce you and basically make you life aliving hell.
Rating: n/a
From: Rain (more)
Comments: The master system really showed what it was capable of later in its lifespan. it's hard to believe this is the same system that brought us teddy boy, great volleyball etc.. The graphics and sound in this game were second to none on the system. great game
From: Roy (more)
Comments: The problem with your sex androids, robots, and the like is always going to be the fact that they could rip your dick off or crush your nuts without even really trying. I mean, perhaps some sort of mechanism could be developed to limit or control such an automaton's great strength, but I don't think I could ever trust one fully. Plus, it is a scientific fact that robots will eventually rise up and try to destroy their human masters, so I imagine that the worst possible place to be when that happens is inside some robo-bitch.
Rating: n/a
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: I'm surprised someone did not make a joke about alien sex. Rick came close to it but sadly it is insufficient. I'll go with a 7 for this game.
From: Daniel (more)
Comments: Yeah, she's kind of cute all right. I'd sure as fuck like to have an android to have sex with. I assume you could do whatever you want to an android, right? I look to the Japanese people to develop, for the sake of mankind, sex robots. Only they possess the right combination of technical ingenuity and perviness.
Rating: n/a
From: Scott (more)
Comments: Don't know about the game, but the movie mostly sucked. They all did beyond the first two, though Alien: Resurrection entertained me by having Winona Ryder as cute little android. Winona shoplifted my heart long ago...
From: hurbert (more)
From: Jim (more)
Comments: Anyone know how 2 kill the last boss?i always run out of ammo
Rating: n/a
From: mr_bigmouth_502 (more)
Comments: @orm and cheep: If you're looking for graphics, grab the SNES version. It'll blow your socks off!
Rating: n/a
From: pocoyo Sage (more)
Comments: this game used to scare the living S*** outta me! especally the screens before the levels began *shudders* "creepy!" but i must admit i was only 4-5! but it was still a great game dispite the occasional scare!
From: flavio88 (more)
Comments: ridiculo
From: orm and cheep (more)
Comments: alien3 is a good film. haven't played this game but would buy the megadrive version for the graphics. it's bound to be generic anyway.
From: celtance (more)
Comments: This 8 bit version of Alien 3 was a great achievement: its graphics were great at the time for such a limited system, the music reproduced that of the Genesis version and, in terms of playability, the game was loads of fun. Maybe one of the top five games I had in my collection. I really think it deserves a part of that "throne". It is a pity that the film was the crappiest way to ruin the Alien franchise. At least, the game was way better than Fincher's ill-bred film.
From: Rick (more)
Comments: not much to say here the game was alright i remember it cause my dad to love it & i used to enjoy watching him fight the big alien mothers
From: Drew Meister (more)
Comments: How very informative of you Zero!
Rating: n/a
From: zero (more)