18 reviews by Gam09Bo07..
Space Harrier
This, in my opinion, is a pretty decent arcade translation, and makes for a great game. If you've never played the arcade version, instead opting to go with this home based console edition, you won't be missing much. Better graphics are about all this cart loses in the transition. The gameplay stays intact and true to it's arcade counterpart. And that's a good thing. This game rules! Each one of the 18 levels are distinct, and the difficulty progresses with each accordingly. If you're looking for new Master System games to play, I would have to suggest this one. If you're looking for this game in particular, buy a copy of Shenmue or wait for the long awaited sequel, Planet Harriers, to hit Dreamcast and Gamecube. Doesn't matter which. This is a must own..
Thunder Blade
This is far from the best game on the Master System, but as helicopter games go, I feel it was, and still is, among the best of them. I know graphics don't make the game, but the first time I saw this game, all I could say was "damn", and that wasn't nice to be saying at such a young age. The game looked awesome. It didn't play as well as it looked, but it didn't play bad. It's an overall fun game to play, and I'd recommend it to anyone looking for a Master System game.
Bomber Raid
This is the best front scrolling, plane fighting shooter ever. It's not exactly my favorite genre, but out of all the others I've played (1942, Raptor, Raiden, etc.), this was the best. The game is difficult, but not so much that you'll end up having to replace your controller. It's long and deep. And by deep, I mean that the level design changes drastically between stages, and the amount of extra firepower you can pile on your bomber is mind boggling. It's good fun, and I'm glad that my dad was into those kinds of games when I was small, or he would have never bought it and I never would have had the chance to play it. I think I'm gonna go and boot it up right now.
This would have to be the best side scrolling shooter on this system. Not another game comes close. Bomber Raid is a great shooter, but I'm referring to the side scrollers, not front. Doesn't make much of a difference, but I make one so that I can put both of these games at the front of the pack. This game had some of the best graphics and music on the system as well. Very colorful, too. Not to the point of being vomit-inducing like Fantasy Zone II though. It's an excellent arcade port and worth playing any day.
F-16 Fighting Falcon
I wouldn't really suggest putting this card in the "games" section. I don't see this thing as a game. I'm not going to bad mouth it for the main reason that Sega made exactly what they were attempting to make with this thing: a flight simulator. These programs are always boring as hell. What did you expect? I'm sure if you were an air traffic controller, or in the Air Force, and knew your way around these things, this program would have more appeal to you. But the majority of the public have never even flown in a plane. I gave it a only because it's a neat program and it does what it's supposed to do with the best of them. It's just hella boring.
Fantasy Zone 2
Out of all the other shooter games that I own on Master System (Bomber Raid, R-Type, and Thunder Blade), this one is my least favorite. There seems to be more fun and action to be had in the others. And call me shallow if you want, but the cute ass graphics didn't do anything for me. Maybe if I was on an acid trip, they would have, but when you're 8, hopefully you're not into that kind of thing. It was kinda challenging in the later levels, and frustrating too, but you'd have to sit there and play a while to get there, and that was just too much to take with this one. That's not to say it's a terrible game though. It's a good game, just not in my tastes.
This is one of the worse platformers on the Master System. You want a nice, mideval platformer? Play Golden Axe. This game does not compare. Not even close. It's the ultimate example of a "rip off". I've had more than one friend tell me, "I didn't know you had Golden Axe," while playing it. The only reason it gets a 4 is because it didn't slaughter Golden Axe's premise completely. Just barely.
This game was one of the most entertaining games on the system. Both this and Double Dragon made for the two best multiplayer experiences back in the day. I'd have to say I played this one more though. I would play and play and play, just to get to the next city to find out what it was. I always wanted to see if Houston (my home town) was somewhere in the game, but it never was. I beat it over and over again, hoping it would pop in there randomly maybe. Oh well. I got Houston in the Rampage remake on my Nintendo 64, but they ended up making it look like a giant farm with skyscrapers, which pissed me off, 'cause it's not. Anyway... this version was better than the NES one because of the extra character and the cleaner, more colorful graphics. It does get repetative after a while, and the brawls I had with siblings between the monsters on screen led to some real life brawls, but it was all good fun in the end. The one part I hated most was getting eaten by my brother or sister. They got what they deserved though. :)
Rambo III
This is the second best shooter I have; Gangster Town is the first. It's not the best game out there, but it's fun. I played for hours at a time sometimes, but never got too far into the game. It was difficult, and I don't know if it was because of game design or how bad i sucked at it, but it was hard, to say the least. I still have my Light Phaser and have just bought a "new" Master System, but I haven't picked up and played this one again yet. Maybe I will soon, when I'm really bored.
While Astrosmash on the Intellevision was the first video game I ever played, Shinobi was the first Sega game I ever played. And it was and still is one of the best Sega games out there, even today. The way I see it, this game rocked, and the series is Sega's oldest and longest running. They won't be making one for Dreamcast since it won't be around much longer, and XBox and Playstation 2 blow, so I had better get my Jo Musashi fix on Gamecube. This game was pretty difficult in the later levels, and those ninja on the conveyor belts in the bonus rounds were just too hard and too many to kill. But the level design kicked ass, and even though Musashi moved slow, that didn't matter 'cause it gave you more time to examine your surroundings. I have never beat this one, but I have never used to code in an attempt to do so, and I did know it. I'll beat it some day.
Wonder Boy III: The Dragons Trap
Ah yes, the Sega games of yesteryear. Out of all of my top three favorite Master System games (Phantasy Star and Time Soldiers being the other two), this one ranks on top. I can't describe to you how much fun I had with this one. The seemingly endless environments, the many forms to take on, and the sleepless hours spent playing this masterpiece all played into the experience. From the moment you step through the Meka Dragon's chamber door to the moment when you finally retrieve the Salamander Cross, it the purest fun you'll ever get from a video game. No, I'm not exaggerating. I have the cart and I Just got a new Master System console, so I have recently had the pleasure of reliving the days of my early childhood in front of the tv and my Sega. Keep in mind that I had this game before I had even touched Mario or Zelda, and once I did, I never really felt they could compare. Still don't.
After Burner
I spent many an hour on this one. I actually liked this game, a lot. I went back to play it recently and noticed how bad the jet handles. Then I plugged in the joystick and that made all the difference in the world. This is how Afterburner is meant to be played at home, and this is why I loved the game and still do. If you don't care much for this game and have only played the Master System version with a control pad, you haven't played. I would always get to level 12 before I died, never any sooner or later. I'll sit down and beat it some day, because it Is worth playing.
Alex Kidd in High Tech World
Ah, the worst of the bad games on the Master System. This cart is pure crap with a capital 'A'. Alex Kidd was never a great series to begin with (sorry, but it's true), and then they go and make it worse with this trash. And me, being the smart one I am, bought it. The graphics suck, the premise blows, and the controls are stiff. To top it off is the worst story in the history of electronic gaming. He wants to go to the arcade, but needs a map to get there, and that map is torn in eight different pieces and spread throughout the area? Just searching blindly for the arcade woulda been more fun and more of a story in itself. I mean, this isn't Final Fantasy, but c'mon. It gets a 2 only because Sega had the guts to put this horse shit on the market, and that deserves Something.
Alex Kidd in Miracle World
I bought this one for $5 from my neighbor back in '89. I thought it blew then, and I still think it blows today. I own the cart, because it's not built into my Master System (some maze game is). I can honestly say that I felt ripped off when I started playing the game. To say that this game is better than Super Mario Bros. is blastphemous. To say it's even on the same level as Nintendo's masterpiece should be reason enough to have you shot. It's too simple for it's own good, extremely repetitive, and poorly designed. The music is the most annoying garbage to grace a game and it almost made my ears bleed. And who is the "genius" who came up with rock, paper, and sciccors as a way to defeat a boss? He'll be shot first. With games like this, it makes one wonder why Sega didn't go down sooner. I'll give it credit... it's the best of all the Alex Kidds, but that's not saying much. At least it ain't no Hi-Tech World.
I was one of the biggest Ghostbuster fans around, and when I got my Master System (as a hand me down, but it was still rather new), Ghostbusters was one of the games that came with it. So me being the 'Buster fan in the family, it was the first of the games I played. I found it a little entertaining back then. Now I know it's not as great as I once though, but it's still not a bad game. Just not great. I never did beat it though. The map, the car, the ghost busting, and Stay Puft out in front of the "Zuul" building weren't too difficult (Stay Puft had a pattern if you were patient enough to notice). It's once you got inside. The stairs were pretty tough, with Slimers chasing you, Roamers tossing plates around, and the fact that you could only shoot in two directions made it pretty hard. It could be beaten. I never did beat Gozar when I got to the roof, though. That bitch was way too tough (I don't know if it was my age or the game) and I would always end up back on that green 'game over' screen. I hate that damned screen. But, I digress... it's a decent game. Short, pointless, and based on the best comedy ever.
Time Soldiers
Despite what some say, this was a really good game if you gave it a chance. It's in my top three favorites for this system, the other two being Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap and Phantasy Star. Not only was this game fun and challenging, but it was multiplayer. It was one of the best experiences I've had with a game, and it's still fun to this day. The aim with some of the guns might be difficult at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's like second nature. Seriously, if you set this game down because you had a new system to play or because it was too difficult and you still have it, you should sit yourself down with it and do yourself the honor of playing it. And don't forget a friend.
Double Dragon
There were so many scrolling fighters to take the stage after this one (Battletoads, Final Fight, Streets of Rage), but none of them stood up to this one. The hours I've spent on this game cannot be numbered and I have yet to beat it. The fourth level is always what stops me. Yeah, there's flicker, but I don't see how one can say that's why the NES version is better. Go look at the NES version closer. There's plenty of sprite flicker to be had there. That second player sprite doesn't hurt the game to the point where it's not playable. I actually never noticed the flicker cuz I always had so much fun with the game. It's a damn fine experience.
This one is second only to Tetris as the King of Puzzlers. If you're looking for depth though, Columns has more than the previously mentioned. Instead of just lining up single, horizontal rows of blocks, you have to take colors into account when ridding yourself of rows of three or more gems in vertical, horizontal, or diagnal rows. And what's more is that, unlike is Tetris, if you score, it can cause a chain reaction, and deplete your well of more space taking gems. And I see no problem with the music either. It's not as catchy as Tetris' Russian tunes, but it serves the game well. It's a very addictive puzzler, and a nice alternative to Tetris.