From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Saw the movie, not half-bad seriously.
From: Peter (more)
Comments: Total Recall was hardly a classic, Paul. In fact, it was kind of shitty unless you were a teenage boy when it came out and you reveled in the violence and marveled at the three-titted hooker. As for your other comment, to call an Irishman "shiftless" is redundant.
Rating: n/a
From: Paul (more)
Comments: They shouldn't remake borderline classics like Total Recall. And they especially shouldn't do so with a shiftless Irish fuck like Colin Farrell starring in it.
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: Sharon Stone is holding up nicely, but for the love of God DO NOT Google search for images of Sharon Osbourne! Your eyes will bleed and you will be lucky if your vision ever returns. Plus, as an annoying bitch, her personality cannot compensate for her unpleasant appearance.
Rating: n/a
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Sharon Stone? Is that the wife of Ozie Osbourne? What the fuck you guys *google it* HOLY SHIT SHE IS HOT. Well not that hot, she must be old now but I'd hit that fck yeah.
Rating: n/a
From: Scott (more)
Comments: She would let you, Brad, she would. I know because I met Sharon Stone in the parking lot of a Glendale In-N-Out Burger and, in lieu of an autograph (which she freely and kindly offered) I asked for a quick flash and sniff. She played it coy at first, but eventually relented and even let me stick my finger in there a little bit. It was pretty sweet. Nice, nice lady.
Rating: n/a
From: Brad (more)
Comments: You know, if I ever have the good fortune to meet Sharon Stone, I'll make a point of mentioning how I saw her pussy in Basic Instinct and I'll thank her for the opportunity to do so. It looked really nice, Sharon, from what I could see of it. Wish I could smell it though....She'd probably let me.
Rating: n/a
From: Ballzack (more)
Comments: I'm Totally appalled they didn't Recall this game.
Rating: n/a
From: Scott (more)
Comments: Sharon Stone show her tits in Total Recall? I can't remember, so probably not, but I do remember that three-titted mutant chick. If you're going to be a mutant, that's not a bad way to go, especially if you're hoping for a career in the "hospitality" industry. Of course, that begs the question of whether having three boobs predisposes such a woman to the sex industry. Food for thought...
Rating: n/a
From: JJ (more)
Comments: Murderfuck!
From: shit cunt (more)
Comments: suck me off dog ball i eat poo for dinny spit roast hoes and suck offf old mens balls hornett nose clit ring anus beads