From: Paul (more)
Comments: One can only hope the lot of you perverts are in prison. Hell, maybe you've even got back out by now and are completely rehabilitated and productive members of society. And, for the record, ninety-nine times out of a hundred, that chick doing shit with a dog on her webcam is doing it because her little boyfriend manipulated her into doing so. Probably with a lot of whiny "don't you love me?" kind of shit. That's the entire reason there's an electronic record of the act for you to watch and get your rocks off to, sicko.
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Women aren't exactly possessing a functional brain. That may explain it a little. No seriously they have 650 % less gray matters than us. And ALL married women are unhappy cause only pussified men marries. They all cheat behind their back with anything that has a dick.
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: Ron, you're a sick fuck for your interest in that shit, absolutely sick. Those women have all been drugged or manipulated into performing sexual acts with their dogs by their domineering and abusive husbands. No woman truly, freely would enter into such a coupling of her own free will, except, of course, the awesome chicks that are doing it alone in front of a webcam after my credit card clears.
Rating: n/a
From: Ron (more)
Comments: My particular erotic focus of late is housewives getting it from the family dog, you know, the genuine amateur shit in home movies. My fascination with the subject has less to do with the sexual aspects and more to do with the psychology of such women. What do they really think about what they're doing? What's going through their minds during? And after? What are they thinking when they're watching the kids play with him days, maybe just hours, after Fido was deep inside mommy? Or when they have to take him to obedience classes at a nearby Petco because, for some reason, he's trying to hump everybody lately, *wink* *wink*?
Rating: n/a
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Calm down guys, let's all drink some beers in front of our computer in front of a good incestual porno.
Rating: n/a
From: Paul (more)
Comments: What's changed, Peter? You used to bitch about people not reviewing games, now you don't want us to review games but instead write repugnant stories of our most unsettling sexual desires? What's the deal? Seriously, I want to know. The only thing you seem to be consistent about is being a dick.
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: There he goes again, heaping bullshit upon bullshit with nary a boner-producing line to be found. Granted, Paul, that Geraldo is a worthless asshole and any joke, however lame, at his expense is a somewhat worthwhile endeavor, I really think you need to just calm down and take the advice that I've tried to give you to heart. Do you know how many people play these games anymore, Paul? Maybe you, sometimes me, perhaps a few other random dorks here and there, but that is it. The games have been reviewed, Paul, ad nauseum, by the only people that have ever played them and cared enough about them to review them. What this site needs to be about going forward is nothing short of laying bare the very essence of the human condition. And in all honesty, Paul, we both know what that really is at its core: sex. Not the sex you or I might guilt our girlfriends or wives into letting us have every once and while. No, what I'm talking about, what I'm asking about, is sex at its most basic and primal level, the kind of sex that only exists either in the mind or in the hearts of people depraved enough (nay, honest enough) to go out and get what we all really want. Are they just stories, Paul? I hope so. You probably hope so, too, but they have their own reality, their own existence just the same. I imagine the vast majority of mothers don't take a hands-on interest in their son's masturbatory habits, but the thoughts, the fantasies, the desires of such things are real. They are a part of our lives, all of us. Explore them with me, Paul. Help the world, in some admittedly small way, come to understand what we think and why we think it. Is it sick or normal? Is sick normal? I don't know, but I'd like to.
Rating: n/a
From: Paul (more)
Comments: Shitty game about Geraldo Rivera's childhood. Not a strong effort.
From: Drew Meister (more)
Comments: OK, then this would be a pretty cool game then.
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: If I'm not mistaken, I believe it is a Brazilian version of Teddy Boy much like Sapo Xule is for Psycho Fox.
Rating: n/a
From: Drew Meister (more)
Comments: What a wierd title. 'Geralddinho'. Anyone know what you actually do in this game?
Rating: n/a