3 reviews by Benjamin..
Phantasy Star

From: Benjamin
Comments: Best game ever.


Ys: The Vanished Omens

From: Benjamin
Comments: The best version of the original Ys by far. The MSX version and PC versions were horrible. The smooth scrolling on the Sega Master System gave the game a much better feel. Lets not forget that the music rocks...get on napster and download some the professional recordings. Also...This game wasn'tTHAT hard. Sure it took me a couple years, but I never got sick of it. In fact I still play it today on my Master Gear converter. Still have my saved games from 10 years ago. Also...the translations were totally #$^#$ up. His name is Adol but I first knew him as Aaron. GOTTA LOVE THIS GAME!!!



From: Benjamin
Comments: Actually the game was made by Sega themselves...much like Sonic the Hedgehog. Notice that the SMS light gun is the exact same thing as the one in the game? That's because before Sega started making videogames, they were making other things like light guns (like Laser Tag) This gun was their "Zillion" gun and it was so popular that they made a cartoon show that REVOLVED around it. I own the few episodes and OAVs that were published on tape. After that, they sorta became Sega's mascots and let me tell you, the show was #@%#$^ cool!!! You'll all love it, Champ, Apple, JJ, OPA OPA, and AMY are all there. This and Ys are the two best games for the system!
