3 reviews by tripknarly..
Psychic World

From: tripknarly
Comments: I never heard of this game as a child and as a collector, the packaging tells me it's a domestic release. I think it's a good game. IT kind of strikes me as a Sega version of Mega Man in a sense. Not a great game, but not bad at all.


Running Battle

From: tripknarly
Comments: How? Why? Who? What? Thats all I said when playing this hunk of shit! Controls are awful. The the hit detection is non existent unless you get a gun. Just an overall bad fighter.


Cyber Shinobi

From: tripknarly
Comments: The game is not smooth, but is at least playable. Very choppy and clunky controls. Could have been a better game. Not a complete loss, but does not fit in with he shinobi tradition
