3 reviews by philip..
California Games

From: Philip
Comments: I don't know, Peter, I don't know. While I agree with you for the most part, you must admit that the world is absolutely full of sick, sick people, some of which are bound to be women. And surely some of those are bound to prey upon boys, even their own sons. Even a cursory internet search reveals any number of support groups for survivors of female sexual predators, even groups concerned with incest. So, while I agree that most of the stories here are either jokes or incest fantasies being passed off as reality, one must be open to the possibility that these kinds of things really do happen. As a case in point, my own mother used to make me ejaculate into her morning coffee every day before school. This went on for years, from ages fourteen to nineteen. Though because she never actually touched me I have never truly felt like a victim of sexual abuse, I still have great feelings of guilt over what had happened and I do suffer from recurring bouts of depression, most likely as a result of the aforementioned coffee ejaculations. Nightmares, too, I must say, recurring nightmares that play out the episodes over and over again in my mind as I try to rest, try to sleep. I am continually haunted by images of my semen shooting into her coffee mug as she would sit there with her breasts exposed and cupped in her hands as she bounced them up and down to "help me along". Such horrors are not easy to forget, I assure you. I cannot count the number of times I've woken up with the sound of my mother's voice ringing in my ears: "Ummm...Momma likes cream in her coffee, doesn't she". Horrible, just horrible. She would drink every last drop. Not just of the coffee, but the semen, too. Sometimes it would hit the side of the mug, sometimes it would miss altogether and fall to the floor or over her bathrobe or pajama bottoms, sometimes her slippers. Regardless, she would gather every last drop, every last glob with her fingers and either mix it into her coffee where it "belonged" or sometimes she would simply lick her fingers clean before finishing her coffee. Our relationship isn't perfect today, either, but we have, thanks to years of therapy, been able to move past the coffee ejaculating and get back to a basic understanding and loving relationship. There is, however, an often palpable tension in the mornings sometimes.

Rating: n/a

Time Soldiers

From: philip


Micheal Jacksons Moonwalker

From: philip
Comments: justinoidyfisuhyfiskhsil8iseuq98wuwiujdolkj
