4 reviews by guilherme..
Monic Castle Dragao

From: guilherme
Comments: Hi everyone. This game is a wonderboy "official hack" based on a popular comic book around here (yes, i'm brazilian)... It isn't a dead rabbit that the girl (Monica is the name) is holding. It's a toy rabbit (the name is Sansão). Master system is still sold here, but is for a more casual market... not the gamers. Another comment: I once worked in promoting a porn company (with some fetish with people eating shit, smelling farts and such stuff) and 99% of the costumers were AMERICANS. I've also seen in the TV news here some days ago that a lot of american tourists are paying people to let them fuck children in RIO. I will not judge anyone, just think of it by yourselves.

Rating: n/a

Alex Kidd in Miracle World

From: guilherme

Rating: n/a

Mortal Kombat

From: guilherme

Rating: n/a

Out Run 3D

From: guilherme
Comments: Y liked this game,is incredible this real 3-d,for one master system,in 1990,is incredible!!!!!good game,9,this game is made in usa,fuck usa,fuck the word,fuck brazil,fuck people,fuck master,fuck gamecube,pc,mega,x box,etc.....so wath,y like master!!!!!good bye
