2 reviews by dc79..
Dynamite Dux
This is one of those games they should psychologists should have in their office because it is good for the self esteem. Unless you don't manage to finish it on your first play. Then you have got some kind of sensory motor disability or trouble understanding the world around you. Easy, simple, fun. Turn off brain and play.
California Games
The controls are really strange at the start but you get use to them. What is fun is that every event is very different from the other in gameplay. Also they are relatively short events so it doesn't require much time to play. Good for when you are waiting for the pasta to cook or the bathroom to get freed up.
Now, if you have three cards, 3 sides to each card, and you need to match three to win something, shouldn't you win on average once every nine times. Then why the &$%$ do I have to play it 100 times to win? This game proves statistics wrong! Actually, if you enter Nokio as your name you are guaranteed a win! Must be the name of the creator's kid or something.
And a question.....how do you do a reverse doda. Its not in the manual.