3 reviews by Wulfgar..
Golden Axe Warrior

From: Wulfgar
Comments: I am from the UK and i picked this game up at a local car boot sale/flea market boxed with instructions for a whopping 10p =) awesome game!


Wonder Boy III: The Dragons Trap

From: Wulfgar
Comments: I played this game when i was younger, and i was addicted to it, and very recently i was very surprised to find it at a local carboot sale, original and boxed, for £1, but the bootsale was packing away so i got it for 40p :) and it still is to this day one of the best SMS games ive ever played!


Golden Axe Warrior

From: Wulfgar
Comments: I love this game!, i picked it up at a bootsale for 50p original and boxed! superb game! :)
