5 reviews by Wade..
My Hero

From: Wade
Comments: Perhaps we can agree to disagree on the merits of the game and of card games in particular, though the general consensus is that card games universally suck in terms of playability regardless of their portability. I certainly respect your rational for liking this game so much. I guess of one of my fantasies was to act out part of a mediocre '80s film franchise starring that disease-ridden midget Michael J. Fox, I myself might have enjoyed the game more. I'll give a rating of five. Shine on, you crazy diamond!


My Hero

From: Wade
Comments: You gave My Hero a rating of ten. Now that is fucking crazy! That pantload is sad even for a card game.


My Hero

From: Wade
Comments: We all love you with all our hearts, Buster. We miss you. Come home if you can. You are a great friend.


My Hero

From: Wade
Comments: Please come home, Cleo. We love you and miss you very much. You are my best friend.


Psycho Fox

From: Wade
Comments: I love you, Kermit. I always will. We all love you.
