2 reviews by Nancy..
Words cannot explain the whole good things that you did to me and my family.
Priest Egbe brought back my lover to me within 72hours.
I have been scammed and deceived by so many people but my mind choose you and you gave me your words and i adhere to it.
Your wife who is a pastor gave me her words and everything is now fine.
I swear down, when my lover was coming, he changed our apartment, he put our kids in a good school and taking good care of us now.
He left home since 4months ago and now he is back home again.
I will never forget you in my life and my family.
I know that there are people who needs help and want you to know that Priest Egbe will deliver you and make you happy.
You can email him on ( shrineforsolution@gmail.com ) or call him on +2348052236135.
My kids and I are happy again, in fact the whole family is happy again.
I am Nancy from USA
Lord of the Sword
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