5 reviews by Jo..
Alex Kidd in Miracle World

From: jo
Comments: im stuck!!! some1 help! on the firstcastel it asks tofind a letter..... where is it??? ive got to the bit where u beat sissor head n hes head comes off n then i move to another level. but apparently i need this letter and can not find it!!!


Wonder Boy III: The Dragons Trap

From: Jo
Comments: I played this with my 4 kids when it first came out and have recently bought it again (and a sms and smg on which to play it !!!!!) I may now have psx and psII but this is still my ALL TIME FAVOURITE GAME. Wish I could give it more than 10


Wonder Boy III: The Dragons Trap

From: Jo
Comments: I played this with my 4 kids when it first came out and have recently bought it again (and a sms and smg on which to play it !!!!!) I may now have psx and psII but this is still my ALL TIME FAVOURITE GAME. Wish I could give it more than 10


My Hero

From: Jo
Comments: this game is good but gets very repetitive and starts to really get on your nerves. I got to level 31 and I keep seeing the same boards over and over..and over..and over. Im pretty much convinced that there is no end to this game, and that the game just teases you thinking you\'re actually gonna get to keep the girl one time. If anyone has gotten farther or has seen an ending let me know.



From: Jo
Comments: I loved the game of Rocky espacilly the movies because Sylvester Stallone is a good actor and i most like the Rocky 4 because Dolphe Lundgren that plays Drago is my favourite actor and he\'s good looking!!! Thanx lots!
