6 reviews by Ally..
Impossible Mission

From: Ally
Comments: This is a tricky one. This game pissed me off to no end, but I still played it to death! Very addictive it was. Probably goes down in my top 10 all time games, but gets minus points for the structural damage that occured in my house as the bomb went off!


Bonanza Brothers

From: Ally
Comments: This was a great fun game, but i always went the tall guy! I vaguely remember that you could hide from the cops underneath a top hat in the department store level- this was the original stealthy game! And who wouldnt want to cruskm the fuzz in a hydraulic press?


Chase H.Q.

From: Ally
Comments: This game was terrible. So terrible I swapped it for a copy of some other shit game, the name of which escapes me!


Double Dragon

From: Ally
Comments: I loved this game! The 2player was excellent, but somehow anyone I played this with always got killed on the last level, leaving me to finish it off! Ah, those were the days! This was the funnest version on any format.


Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story

From: Ally
Comments: This one was alright, but dragon was much better on other formats where it was basically just a beat-em up, rather than this platform style adsventure. Still, worth a look for the but where you can kick guys onto buzz saws alone!


Golden Axe

From: Ally
Comments: FABULOUS! This is for me one of the greatest games that have ever existed! Obviously the arcade version was so much better than the MS, but thats just because that was so damn good! I played this game constantly back in the day, think it may have been because of the fact you could slay migets! This was so much better than Rastan it was unbelievable! God, I wish I still had my Master System, even if this was the only game I had it would be great!
