4 reviews by Alianger..
Psychic World

From: Alianger
Comments: nice spiced up action platformer that is slightly reminiscent of metroid gameplay-wise. there are different weapons used in different situations, a teleporter if you get stuck..what hurts the game is the small graphics, some awkward level design and easy bosses. what really hurts the game is the ability to become invincible for about 8 seconds at anytime for almost no cost.



From: Alianger
Comments: What codes? These are just numbers people. anyone who cant memorize 4 numbers in a row should probably go back to school. sure it's repetitive, but the length and variation in the game are nicely balanced so you won't get tired of it until it's almost over. I think this game is about as good as metroid. The lack of depth and variety is outweighed by fast gameplay, great music (metroid's mostly ambient music didn't really do it for me, though i love the super metroid sot) and multiple player characters. A few more enemy types and a couple of save/warp spots would have been nice though.


Wonder Boy in Monster Land

From: Alianger
Comments: I don't know if it's because i only played wb 1 & 3 back in the day, but i didn't like this game that much playing it recently. The gameplay is way too slow and frustrating, the graphics are so-so (actually liked the prequel's graphics better), and the end lvl/boss almost drove me insane.


Wonder Boy III: The Dragons Trap

From: Alianger
Comments: After beating this around 12 years after my first time playing, I kind of wish it would've been longer. Still, I think it's the best game in the sms library and it probably has the best gameplay in the whole wb series too.
