2 reviews by Gerard Prescot..

From: Gerard Prescot
Comments: A SPELL CASTER WHO HEALED ME FROM HIV AIDS WITH NATURAL HERBS ALL THANKS BELONGS TO HIM. AM Gerard Prescott from South Africa... I want to use this medium to inform the world that there is a wonderful man who can help you solve any problem you are facing without taking any penny from you,for instance problem relating to MARRIAGE OR RELATIONSHIP, LOW SPERM COUNT,JOB AND FINANCIAL FAILURE,he can also ENLARGE YOUR BREAST OR PENIS,GET YOUR EX BACK,LOSE YOUR WEIGHT,Help you get pregnant, even,cast a spell for you to win any court case help you WIN A VISA LOTTERY,his name is OGA ABIDU OR simply contact him on his private email..Ogaabidutemple@gmail.com.he can change your life for good from any part of the globe.

Rating: n/a


From: Gerard Prescot
Comments: A SPELL CASTER WHO HEALED ME FROM HIV AIDS WITH NATURAL HERBS ALL THANKS BELONGS TO HIM. AM Gerard Prescott from South Africa... I want to use this medium to inform the world that there is a wonderful man who can help you solve any problem you are facing without taking any penny from you,for instance problem relating to MARRIAGE OR RELATIONSHIP, LOW SPERM COUNT,JOB AND FINANCIAL FAILURE,he can also ENLARGE YOUR BREAST OR PENIS,GET YOUR EX BACK,LOSE YOUR WEIGHT,Help you get pregnant, even,cast a spell for you to win any court case help you WIN A VISA LOTTERY,his name is OGA ABIDU OR simply contact him on his private email..Ogaabidutemple@gmail.com.he can change your life for good from any part of the globe.

Rating: n/a